
Advice & Tips

How to market a new product

How to market a new product

It’s reassuring to have a mentor, especially when you’re launching a new product and have a seemingly unending list of tasks to manage. Over the last 35+ years, our full-service product marketing agency has guided entrepreneurs through every stage of the new product...

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5 best-performing marketing strategies going into 2024

5 best-performing marketing strategies going into 2024

The new year presents us with a clean slate. With the new year come new opportunities. It’s an exciting time to apply fresh ideas and strategies to your product marketing, so that you may elevate your visibility, build trust in your brand and increase sales. Where...

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Get noticed by Healthy Choosers

Get noticed by Healthy Choosers

Buyers are becoming better educated about healthier products. That means when they search online, you’ve got to be discoverable and you must be memorable. Media Relations Agency has specialized in reaching the Healthy Chooser market for decades. We can help. Be heard...

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If you want your product to become famous.

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Client’s success story featured in USA Today

When Media Relations Agency heard Modern Line Furniture’s story, we instantly knew we wanted to help owner Vlad Spivak become even more well known and respected for all that he has accomplished.  This USA Today story is the result of our work.  How did Modern Line...

Why you (yes, YOU!) should be getting back-to-school PR

Be careful about pigeonholing back-to-school PR. After 35+ years of arranging product PR, we know that back-to-school media coverage isn’t limited to products targeting students.  Reporters and producers are always searching for fresh story angles.  They may be very...


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