
It’s time to plan your fall/holiday marketing campaign

by | Apr 13, 2023 | Advice & Tips, Content Creation, Digital Marketing, Marketing (email etc)

Will your competitors’ products get more attention than yours this holiday season? They might, especially if they are already working on their marketing campaign and you haven’t started yet. Right now, your team could be planning a fully integrated fall/holiday marketing campaign that gets you noticed.

Go where you will be seen 

The more you tell, the more you sell. Be seen by the people most likely to buy. When people are interested in buying something, their appetite for information goes way up. All of the sudden, they want to know as much as possible about what they are going to buy! Let’s work together to build awareness, rack up impressions and share your stories with the masses. 

After more than 35 years as the country’s leading product marketing agency, we have the experience and the strategies to do this right.  

Your team will assess your opportunities for every promotional channel. Is your website current? Is it easily found and easy to navigate? Are you well represented on the key social media channels? How can we earn publicity for your product during the holiday buying season by getting your story in front of the right media?  Would syndicated PR also help raise your visibility? What more can we do to make sure more people know your story?

Some of the deliverables we may use for your holiday marketing campaign include: 

  • Pursuing positive publicity about your product (we work with print, broadcast and digital media). Tens of thousands of times reporters and producers have said yes when our publicists requested that they do a story about products we represent.
  • Writing Media-Grade Content® for key marketing pieces such as press releases, articles, blogs, newsletters, landing pages, social media posts, video scripts and infographics
  • Running digital advertising campaigns  
  • SEO and keyword optimization
  • Performing a digital marketing competitive analysis 
  • Creating and managing an influencer marketing program
  • Creating customized product marketing code sheets 

Our agency has flourished for 35 years because clients love the attention we draw to their products. Are you ready to make your product famous in the upcoming holiday season? Let’s get started! Call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to schedule time on our calendars. 

Written by Heather Champine

Written by Heather Champine

Heather is a multi-faceted leader. She’s part marketing strategist, part consumer psychologist and part motivational cheerleader. “I love understanding what drives people to take action, especially when it involves getting the media to run stories about our clients,” she says. With more than 25 years of experience, she has the keen understanding and insight to know how to run an integrated campaign and what it takes for our clients’ stories to become the news. She enjoys leading campaigns for complex industries such as medical devices and technologies, as well as fun industries such as hair salons. She thrives on pursuing creative ways to educate consumers about clients’ products, and ultimately inspiring them to buy. “I appreciate becoming a part of each client’s marketing team. I cherish the long-lasting relationships, and successful marketing programs we have created together.” Heather also finds joy in her daily collaborations as part of our creative team. “I am grateful to work with publicists, writers, designers and other marketing experts, all enjoying what they do because they are using their God-given strengths. Our publicists have great instincts because they all have media backgrounds. When things get hectic, it’s often Heather who cracks the first joke. “We encourage people to be a little goofy and unique. Some of the best ideas and solutions emerge because we know how to have fun,” she grins. “I may say something like, “Remember this is PR not the ER. Now, lighten up and go book a great story idea with the media!”


What We Do

  • Publicity

  • Website

  • Advertising

  • Social Media

  • Creative

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If you want your product to become famous.

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