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How to market a new product

How to market a new product

It’s reassuring to have a mentor, especially when you’re launching a new product and have a seemingly unending list of tasks to manage. Over the last 35+ years, our full-service product marketing agency has guided entrepreneurs through every stage of the new product...

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Make your product a celebrity

When someone’s face or name becomes easily recognizable, we call them a celebrity. Their publicists may encourage their rise to fame by using strategies that get them noticed and make them more discoverable. Media Relations Agency’s product publicists play much the...

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2024 holiday publicity deadlines

Here’s what you must know about getting your product into the 2024 holiday gift guides and media stories: The media’s long lead times will work against you if you wait too long. Many sought-after media outlets will finalize their stories by September, and there’s a...

3 ways to outperform your competitors with product publicity

Product publicity can give you a sales edge, whether you sell to the trade or you are a consumer-facing company. Of course, that advantage isn’t automatic. To gain trust — and more leads — you’ve got to be strategic. Here are some common publicity tactics that may be...


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