
3 reasons to choose an experienced PR company

by | Apr 23, 2024 | Brand Awareness, Media Specialists, Publicity

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You wouldn’t trust a roofing company to design and build your home. While they may know their way around shingles, they probably have little-to-no experience in the other crucial home construction elements. Likewise, why trust an inexperienced agency to build and manage your product’s reputation?

Media Relations Agency has 35-plus years of PR experience. As a full-service agency, we have the skills to manage fully integrated product marketing campaigns. Countless times, we’ve jumped in to help new clients when their previous agencies simply didn’t have the skills to do the job correctly.

Some agencies can build great websites but may not know how to collaborate with reporters, or even be familiar with what reporters look for when they visit a company’s website. Other agencies specialize in digital advertising or social media, but may not know how to harness the power of a morning TV segment. Media Relations sees the big picture. As important, we know the steps needed to get there.

Here are 3 reasons to choose Media Relations Agency 

  1. We have the right processes in place. We pioneered Pay Per Interview® PR, where you only pay us for results. You can learn all about our results-driven system in our award-winning Amazon bestseller, “The CEO’s Guide to Marketing.” 
  2. We know how to design and execute on a strong, synergistic and strategic campaign. Our Strategically Aimed Marketing ensures your PR campaign delivers the right messages, in the right places to the right audiences.
  3. We have all the skills under one roof. As your business grows, you will need numerous types of marketing services. From traditional and digital PR to websites, ecommerce, content marketing, social media, emails, videos and brochures, our professional team can be a trusted extension of your staff.

Working with an experienced PR company will give you the advantages you need to outperform your competition. Call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to get started.

Written by Heather Champine

Written by Heather Champine

Heather is a multi-faceted leader. She’s part marketing strategist, part consumer psychologist and part motivational cheerleader. “I love understanding what drives people to take action, especially when it involves getting the media to run stories about our clients,” she says. With more than 25 years of experience, she has the keen understanding and insight to know how to run an integrated campaign and what it takes for our clients’ stories to become the news. She enjoys leading campaigns for complex industries such as medical devices and technologies, as well as fun industries such as hair salons. She thrives on pursuing creative ways to educate consumers about clients’ products, and ultimately inspiring them to buy. “I appreciate becoming a part of each client’s marketing team. I cherish the long-lasting relationships, and successful marketing programs we have created together.” Heather also finds joy in her daily collaborations as part of our creative team. “I am grateful to work with publicists, writers, designers and other marketing experts, all enjoying what they do because they are using their God-given strengths. Our publicists have great instincts because they all have media backgrounds. When things get hectic, it’s often Heather who cracks the first joke. “We encourage people to be a little goofy and unique. Some of the best ideas and solutions emerge because we know how to have fun,” she grins. “I may say something like, “Remember this is PR not the ER. Now, lighten up and go book a great story idea with the media!”


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  • Publicity

  • Website

  • Advertising

  • Social Media

  • Creative

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