
Recent posts by Mike Danielson

How to promote your product with influence

How to promote your product with influence

What really causes us to adopt a new idea or try new things? Influence. Publicity enables you to promote your product with influence. Our interpersonal relationships exert some of the strongest influences in our lives. After that, we’re often guided by what we learn from publicity and online content.

Three online selling trends we should discuss

Three online selling trends we should discuss

Lately I’ve been speaking with many professionals who sell their products predominantly online. Direct online selling often creates amazing profit margins which can be invested in rich content and earned media, the most powerful promotional tools besides personal selling. Three topics keep popping up in our conversations:

Four truths you should know about the PR industry

Four truths you should know about the PR industry

There are actually only two kinds of tips in the world: tips that can be given away freely, and tips that have to be handled more carefully. This blog is about the second variety: the kind that are a little edgy; the kind that are substantial enough to be called “truths” instead of “tips”. I’ve compiled four insights into a new download, Four Truths of the PR Industry, but I need to be a little careful about distributing it.

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