
Four digital strategies to give your company a boost during America’s reopening

by | Jun 25, 2020 | Company News, Digital Marketing

Four digital strategies to give your company a boost during America’s reopening - Sign saying Reopening soon

More businesses are emerging from their coronavirus slumber each day, eager for their share of the American dollar. The smart ones have adjusted their digital marketing tactics for the reopening. Why? Because Joe Q. Public has changed. Americans’ already strong affinity for shopping online has further intensified during the stay-at-home period. Many folks are happy to continue spending their hard-earned dollars virtually despite their ability to visit stores. The Media Relations Agency’s digital marketing team is helping our clients find success in this rapidly changing market. Here are four digital marketing strategies we’re using that might help you as well. 

1. We’re updating clients’ websites frequently
Because the marketing environment is changing daily; our digital marketing team is vigilant about keeping our clients’ sites current. Front and center should be information about your open hours. It’s not enough to simply take down your “closed for COVID” banner. Consumers need to know when you’re open and any changes they can expect. If you’re not open yet, be clear about your closure and share your thoughts on opening even if you’re not sure when that will be. Consider a message for your customers with your best guess or a simple note about how you miss being there for them. 

2. We’re carefully crafting messaging

The coronavirus pandemic and civil unrest have led to marketplace unpredictability. Now is not the time to stay quiet. But choose your words carefully on your website, in your social media feed and in your email marketing. Matching your communications to the ever-changing marketing environment can be challenging, so consider hiring a professional writer with marketing experience. Our writers are busier than ever producing relevant and responsible content. We are providing positive messages that project an image of stability during these tumultuous times.

3. We’re recommending clients use multiple communication vehicles 

Even if you updated your website and posted on your business Facebook page, chances are your customers are still unaware of your current plans. Everyone is sending messages these days, so to be heard you may need to move to a novel communication tool. We’re helping clients get the word out by preparing mailers and cleaning seldom-used email lists. We can do the same for you. Depending on your audience and business goals, you may want to consider sending a physical mailing such as a postcard or letter, or starting email communications.

4. We’re working with increased digital marketing budgets 

Many Media Relations Agency’s clients are ramping up their digital marketing budgets, and with good reason. Some reports show that companies with more aggressive marketing strategies over the past few months are faring better than those who held back. Thankfully, there’s still time to catch up. We can help you amplify your digital advertising campaign or start a new one to get the attention you crave. Bonus: We may be able to use Google and Facebook ad credits to help you get the job done without a ding to your bottom line.

If your already full plate just got a bit heavier after reading these tips, lean on the Media Relations team of experts. From keeping your site running smoothly to designing postcards to scrubbing rarely used email lists so your budget is spent reaching the right people, we have the talent to make your life easier. Get started by calling us at 952-697-5269 or completing this form.



Written by Kris Best

Written by Kris Best

Kris Best is not your typical writer. She’s a strategic thinker with significant experience with health, technology and non-profit organizations. “I give a lot of thought to how the content I create is going to be used, as well as reused.” She’s also enamored with the power of social media, and is always looking for ways our clients can capitalize on this important promotional channel.


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