
How do consumers prefer to hear about your product?

by | Sep 14, 2023 | Content, Pay Per Interview, Publicity, Services

Group of consumers reading different sources of media for new product awareness

For people to buy your product, they first need to know about it. That sounds logical, but it can be confusing to know where to spend your budget. While your choice of marketing channels and platforms may seem to grow more complicated by the day, one fact remains abundantly clear: Consumers prefer to hear about your product from trusted sources. Explore the abundance of options available to you on! 

Where do most people enter the buying process? 

The answer depends in part on your audience’s demographics, including their age range and the benefits they’re seeking. Today, many start their research on social media, then they may interact with companies’ ecommerce stores from their mobile devices. 

Quite a few Media Relations Agency clients also have great success with sending newsletters that include purchase incentives to their customers and prospects. And, we’ve seen an uptick in influencer marketing as well as the overall use of videos to educate potential buyers about products. 

Every company should also be blogging! Blogs are a fantastic way to capitalize on SEO to attract prospects to your website. Blogs keep people on your site by providing valuable information and convert them to buyers by linking to your sales funnel. 

What about traditional publicity (TV, radio and print)? That’s very relevant. Much like everything else, these platforms are evolving. But one of the pillars of traditional publicity is that media coverage (unlike video shorts or social posts) gives you plenty of space to tell your complete story. You have room to explain why your product or service will improve someone’s life, and even give a few examples! 

Even better: With traditional PR, you typically get additional exposure. Once a story runs, the station or publication will often repost it to their own website with links to yours. 

How we help our clients nurture consumers’ trust 

As a fully integrated marketing agency primarily focused on helping our clients’ products become famous, Media Relations Agency provides a lengthy list of product marketing options. 

Of course, we don’t just want you to become famous. We want your product to have staying power. One way to achieve that is to gain consumers’ trust. Here are three of the ways we can help you accomplish this. 

  • We use the industry’s best practices as our guardrails. Whether that is designing your website and creating your ecommerce store, preparing press releases and articles, or writing social content, our goal is to position our clients as trusted authorities. 

That comes from a combination of the quality of information provided as well as customers’ experience with our clients throughout the information search and buying process. 

Everything we produce is professional and user-friendly. Their websites function well; their email marketing is valuable to recipients, which increases the open rates; their media outreach is well accepted because it’s informational without being not overly commercialized.  

  • Our Media-Grade Content® is at the core of our content marketing. Our content is written through a journalistic lens, which increases its relevance and impact.  
  • We’re constantly looking for new ways to tell your story. Buyer touch points are everywhere! By identifying multiple reasons to get in front of people, in a variety of places, we can help you keep your product top of mind. 

Most clients start by budgeting $5,000 – $10,000 a month to work with us. If you’re ready to make your product a celebrity, call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to get a proposal. We will send you a free copy of our award-winning book, “The CEO’s Guide to Marketing,” with your first consultation. 

Written by Matt Hentges

Written by Matt Hentges

We can feel the energy go up a few notches when Matt is around! He immerses himself in a conversation, eager to learn all he can and genuinely curious to discover how he might be able to help. “My favorite part of my job is talking with new people and trying to find a connection or potential synergy,” he acknowledges. Matt keeps things light and fun, especially when discussing one of his favorite subjects: marketing. He enjoys his role in moving a project to the next stage, which is applying our Strategically Aimed Marketing process. “I’m like the little kid who asks “why?” over and over, and SAM 6 gives reasons to the “whys” in marketing.” As Matt channels his boundless energies into helping businesses make smarter use of marketing tools, he relishes being part of a team that capitalizes on each other’s strengths. “We have a wonderful business model that more than fills a unique niche within the publicity industry. We are truly marketing and publicity experts with many seasoned years behind our goal-driven agency.”


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If you want your product to become famous.

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