
Profitable holiday marketing for supplements

by | Sep 20, 2022 | Advice & Tips

Marketing for supplements with a display of supplements, natural wood spoons and green plant

For millions of consumers, the new calendar year is an ideal starting point for losing weight, getting in shape and actively making other changes to support their overall wellness. Many of those same consumers will reach for dietary supplements to help reach their goals. When creating marketing for supplements, even a few smart adjustments can help you cash in on this lucrative time of year.  

What draws consumers to certain dietary supplements  

Last year, an Amazon shopper survey revealed that 60% of customers planned “to buy a health and wellness product to support a New Year’s resolution.” Nearly one third of those respondents were willing to try a new brand. 

But first, they have to know about you. 

And as you should already know, marketing for supplements can be challenging due to stringent regulatory constraints. Media Relations Agency has been immersed in the health and natural products industry, and marketing to the Healthy Chooser® market, for more than three decades. We understand those guardrails. 

Using our Strategically Aimed Marketing system, our job is to tell your story in as many ways as possible, and through as many promotional channels as warranted, to raise awareness of your brand. Our role is to educate people about why they should choose your product over the competition.  

The following qualities position dietary supplements for the highest degree of success: 

  • Clean label 
  • Science backed, preferably with primary published research 
  • High bioavailability
  • Effective and delivers on promise 
  • Addresses a widespread need (active lifestyle, healthy aging, weight management, etc.)

Give yourself bonus points if your product is also plant-based, sustainable and/or otherwise environmentally conscious. 

WIFM: Getting your target market’s attention 

As one of the country’s most enduring performance-based marketing agencies, we succeed when we help our clients succeed. That means we’ve had to get very good at earning the media’s attention. We know how to attract the attention of top influencers. We stay ahead of the curve in the fast-paced digital marketing arena. 

Because our certified marketing professionals evaluate our clients’ marketing from the audience’s perspective — What’s In It For Me or WIFM — we give our clients’ marketing a competitive advantage. 

We’re also a full-service agency. There’s strength in having all of our marketing services in one place. Especially this close to the new year, you don’t have time to be shopping and onboarding multiple agencies for different specialties. 

The multi-billion dollar dietary supplement industry continues to grow because consumers will always look for trusted shortcuts. We can help you distinguish yourself within this very crowded market. There’s still time to create a 2022 holiday marketing plan if you act quickly. 

Call me at 952-697-5210 or use this form to schedule time on my calendar.

Written by Mike Danielson

Written by Mike Danielson

Mike is a visionary and a trusted marketing mentor for many well-known companies within the health and natural products industries. He has an impressive mastery of marketing. He thrives on using his 30 years of experience and good instincts to manage campaigns that have measurable impacts on clients’ bottom lines. Focused and driven, Mike excels at client service and creative development. “I try to help everyone equally. Some will become clients and even long-term friends.” Many also benefit from his extensive connections within the health and nutrition industries. Clients who work with Mike typically comment about how much they learn from him. Mike comments, “I enjoy teaching people how to use solid marketing principles vs. a gut feel when selecting promotional channels. I’m willing to spend long hours helping navigate through all of the other actions that comprise a well-integrated marketing campaign.” Faced with any obstacle, Mike will fight for a win. He admits, “I get nervous if there aren’t barriers to accomplishing goals.” His cause for celebration is when his team’s hard work pays off in great earned media coverage, long-term client relationships and referrals.


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