
Become a trusted expert in your industry

by | Jul 26, 2022 | Advice & Tips

Illustrated person being interviewed on camera showing the need for a marketing company for a mid-sized business

You’ve worked hard and achieved so much in your career. Now it’s time for others to take notice and learn from the leader. It is smart to let people know you are willing to offer your expertise.  As word gets out, your good reputation will have a halo effect on your business. Decision makers outside of your industry want to work with the best, and (for good reason)! 

We’re the ones who can make that happen. In our 30+ years in business, Media Relations Agency has helped propel the reputations and careers of numerous noteworthy experts to the next level. Just as products rarely become famous overnight, becoming a persuasive thought leader is a strategic marketing process. 

We can build on your accomplishments to further elevate your reputation. It’s what we do best. 

Here’s what you’ll bring to the table 

  • Measurable, related experience. Provide tangible evidence of your expertise. Your job title, career achievements and accolades, and authoring a book are examples of excellent starting places for growing trust, rapport and loyalty.   
  • High-value insights. Your audience cares about what’s in it for them, not you. That message must always be your mindset. Unless you’re providing them with information useful to their own lives, people are likely to tune you out. 

We know how to ignite the fire 

You need us in your corner. Media Relations Agency is internationally known for our product marketing expertise. In this case, you are the product. Using our Strategically Aimed Marketing system, we know how to position you in media stories and insert you into relevant industry conversations. Now is not the time to settle for anything less.

  • Publicity. There’s no faster and more efficient way to climb the ladder of fame, and become a trusted expert, than to be quoted and/or interviewed on TV or radio, in print and on the internet. We make that happen every day for our global clientele. These opportunities may include:
    • Media interviews: Trade and/or consumer depending on our agreed-upon strategy
    • Authoring articles and guest columns in strategically selected publications and websites (our marketing content writers are the BEST!) 
    • Seeking, pursuing and publicizing speaking engagements at industry events
    • Providing your insights to the media on hot topics within your industry
    • Arranging guest appearances on podcasts of other high profile influencers 
    • Nominating you for coveted awards and publicizing your honors
  • Digital marketing. Your online presence must support how you’re being positioned to reporters and producers, as well as your target audience. Media Relations Agency will assist you in ensuring: 
    • Your website and social channels accurately and consistently reflect that you are a person of influence 
    • All of your media coverage is correctly posted online for maximum discoverability and reach
    • Videos are produced, where warranted, to reinforce trust within your audience 

Call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to talk about how we can get the world to recognize you as a trusted thought leader.


For more great marketing advice, check out The CEO’s Guide to Marketing!”

Written by Matt Hentges

Written by Matt Hentges

We can feel the energy go up a few notches when Matt is around! He immerses himself in a conversation, eager to learn all he can and genuinely curious to discover how he might be able to help. “My favorite part of my job is talking with new people and trying to find a connection or potential synergy,” he acknowledges. Matt keeps things light and fun, especially when discussing one of his favorite subjects: marketing. He enjoys his role in moving a project to the next stage, which is applying our Strategically Aimed Marketing process. “I’m like the little kid who asks “why?” over and over, and SAM 6 gives reasons to the “whys” in marketing.” As Matt channels his boundless energies into helping businesses make smarter use of marketing tools, he relishes being part of a team that capitalizes on each other’s strengths. “We have a wonderful business model that more than fills a unique niche within the publicity industry. We are truly marketing and publicity experts with many seasoned years behind our goal-driven agency.”


What We Do

  • Publicity

  • Website

  • Advertising

  • Social Media

  • Creative

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If you want your product to become famous.

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