
The U.S. pet industry is worth $99 billion; did your pet products sales soar?

by | Apr 12, 2021 | Advice & Tips

Pet product marketing tips

It’s estimated that the U.S. pet industry was worth $99 billion last year. How much of that money went into your business? Most of us at Media Relations Agency are passionate pet lovers. We’ve also got 30+ years experience in product marketing. That combination is a huge advantage when you’re trying to sell a product in a very crowded industry.  

We know how to reach your dream target market: Those who treat their pets as family members and are willing to part with their money if it makes their pets happier and healthier. 

Knowing what to say, and where to say it, ultimately saves you money and avoids costly mistakes. Here are three of our best pet-friendly marketing tips: 

    1. Follow a strategy to stay on point. Much like a veterinarian follows standard protocols to assess and treat companion pets, sticking with a plan will deliver the most reliable results and the best outcomes. Try using our proven six-step Strategically Aimed Marketing (SAM 6®) process to develop and manage your campaign. There is a free workbook on our website along with several tools to help you get started. 
    2. Match your messaging to your target market. Are you appealing to pet parents’ desire to indulge and pamper their pets? Or, is there some education involved before you can entice people to buy? What you say must grab your audience’s attention and lead them into your sales funnel.   
    3. Allocate your budget to the appropriate promotional channels. Media Relations Agency specializes in earned media, which is the gold standard because it can’t be purchased and therefore has a lot of credibility. Pet people are all over social media, so you’ll want to be visible there as well. We have the expertise to design a marketing campaign that carefully integrates multiple promotional channels for the greatest reach and frequency. 

Pet owners need to know about your product. Let’s create an overwhelming demand. Call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to discuss how to get noticed and gain more of your share of the $99 billion pet industry.

Written by Media Relations Agency

Written by Media Relations Agency

Media Relations Agency is a full-service, hybrid agency that specializes in helping businesses tell their stories. Our 30+ years of experience in generating media-grade content gives us an edge. Who better to help you market your product than the agency whose work consistently passes the media’s stringent litmus test? It’s not always easy, but our content vaults over the media’s high bar several times a day.


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