
Marketing strategies for introducing a new product

by | Oct 26, 2022 | Advice & Tips, Brand Awareness, Content Creation, Marketing (email etc), Paid Advertising, Paid Social Media

How to promote a new product

An estimated 30,000 products are introduced each year. About 95% of those fail. A fully integrated marketing strategy for introducing a new product may help you defy the odds. Media Relations Agency has helped launch thousands of new products over the last 35 years. Here is valuable, time-tested advice you’ll want to know. 

If you build it, they will come. 

Maybe but probably not. Unless they are innovators — such as those who camp outside electronics stores to get the latest digital product — most people need several nudges before they are willing to risk their money on something unfamiliar. 

You can create desire for your new product by educating them about why your new product is a great solution to their problem or situation; and by explaining how your new product is better than the competition’s. 

Start by increasing awareness. Be visible wherever people are searching for information. Be trustworthy and transparent. Tone down the sales pitch. Turn up the education. Subtly guide people through the buying process, from information gathering to their ultimate purchase decision. 

This strategy comes second nature to us. 

Say it. Write it. Blog it. Post it. Illustrate it. Animate it. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. 

There’s tremendous value in sharing information about your new product in as many promotional channels as possible. Experts say most of us need to see/hear/read a message an average of seven times before we even remember it.

Media Relations Agency recommends a fully integrated marketing approach. This ensures that no matter where someone encounters your messaging, it supports and reinforces what they might have already seen elsewhere. From illustrators and writers to SEO specialists, web designers and publicists, we have all the marketing professionals on staff to make this happen. We know our jobs and we do them well. This simplifies communications and coordination. 

Details to consider: 

  • Social media is exceptional at creating brand awareness. Some B2B marketers report it has an 88% success rate. However, be careful about relying exclusively on social media because doing so puts your content at the mercy of those platforms’ ever-changing algorithms. You may not always be able to control what is seen or hidden. 
  • Traditional media. Every new product needs at least one or two traditional media stories because they confer third-party credibility. The media selected your product’s story to tell. Plus, traditional media has massive audiences. There’s a reason why we’ve used traditional media as a marketing foundation for our clients for more than three decades. 
  • Blogs are essential. New research found a whopping 61% of U.S. online consumers report having purchased based on recommendations from a blog. Blogs with multiple images do particularly well. 
  • Landing pages help with SEO and they channel people into your sales funnel. Site optimization and backlinking are important factors to landing pages’ success. 

New products help to make our lives better, easier, simpler, more fulfilling. It’s a real pleasure to apply our Strategically Aimed Marketing process to bring new products to the attention of the people most likely to benefit from them. If you’d like our experienced team to help with introducing a new product, call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to get started. 



For more great marketing advice, check out The CEO’s Guide to Marketing!

Written by Matt Hentges

Written by Matt Hentges

We can feel the energy go up a few notches when Matt is around! He immerses himself in a conversation, eager to learn all he can and genuinely curious to discover how he might be able to help. “My favorite part of my job is talking with new people and trying to find a connection or potential synergy,” he acknowledges. Matt keeps things light and fun, especially when discussing one of his favorite subjects: marketing. He enjoys his role in moving a project to the next stage, which is applying our Strategically Aimed Marketing process. “I’m like the little kid who asks “why?” over and over, and SAM 6 gives reasons to the “whys” in marketing.” As Matt channels his boundless energies into helping businesses make smarter use of marketing tools, he relishes being part of a team that capitalizes on each other’s strengths. “We have a wonderful business model that more than fills a unique niche within the publicity industry. We are truly marketing and publicity experts with many seasoned years behind our goal-driven agency.”


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