
That’s some great PR … now what?

by | Nov 13, 2013 | Advice & Tips

We frequently arrange for best-selling authors and other industry experts to mention our clients’ products during TV or radio interviews. These media placements are like gold because the story angles have passed through the media’s filter for relevance, and there’s a trusted, credentialed, third-party expert extolling the products’ benefits.

After an interview airs, consumers are likely to jump onto the Internet to do more research. If we arranged great PR for your company, would your website be ready to receive an influx of interest? We help our clients prepare by creating digital content that supports what people just saw or heard.

  1. We write a blog using the same story angle used by the media. We’re careful to repeat and reinforce the value points mentioned in the interview.
  2. We prepare a video or audio clip of the segment to upload to their website. This makes the interview easily accessible for those who missed it when it aired or who want to review it again.
  3. We write what’s called a “placement wrapper”, content to use with the clip that summarizes what was said and fills in any important blanks. For example, the expert may have briefly mentioned a new study related to the product. In the wrapper, we’d provide more study details and explain its significance.
  4. Once the clip and placement wrapper are uploaded to a client’s website, we write social media posts (Facebook/Twitter, etc.) to draw even more attention to it.

This is basically the same formula used by The Dr. Oz Show. Each day’s show is segmented into shorter videos and uploaded onto the Dr. Oz Show website, along with a segment summary and further information that didn’t make it on air. Facebook and Twitter posts remind people to go to the website.

Your website and social media content should be an extension of your PR efforts. These extra steps are the bow on the box, the icing on the cake. They can make the difference between whether a consumer buys from you or your competition. Call Heather Champine at 952-697-5269 to learn more about how we can incorporate digital content into your PR campaign.

Written by Robin Miller

Written by Robin Miller

Robin will coordinate the writing for your newsletters, social media posts, website, blogs, newsletters and press releases. “I like interviewing clients and spokespeople, hearing their stories, getting to know their personalities and listening to how they phrase their thoughts,” she says. “It’s fun to transform what I’ve learned from those conversations into media-grade content.” Robin enjoys shaping content to ensure that the message will be clearly received. “When someone understands the relevance of what they’re writing and can position it properly for their audience, their work tends to be more convincing and on point. I’m fortunate to have a very diverse background, which gives me a good perspective whenever we bring on a new client.” An IABC- and Mercury-award winner, Robin says her practical experience in the health sciences has proven particularly beneficial as she interprets clients’ scientific information for mainstream media. “But it’s no longer sufficient to write well,” she cautions. “As marketers, we must now comply with the intricacies of digital marketing. That involves a whole set of rules, which are constantly evolving.”


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