
Happening now: the top 5 SEO trends (including AI)

by | Sep 26, 2023 | SEO, Services

Letters SEO set on top of a laptop

Ongoing learning is essential for digital marketing. Just when you think you know what’s necessary for your pages to rank higher organically in search results, technology and algorithms change. Media Relations Agency stays ahead of these trends so our clients can see better results and rise to fame faster. I’ve identified the top five SEO trends happening right now.

The five most critical SEO trends for 2023

1.E-A-T is now E-E-A-T.: E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. Experience was added in the past year. If you want to rank, you need to showcase your E-E-A-T regarding the page’s topic. This can be done by providing unique valuable insights, emphasizing your experience, citing sources when necessary, and properly displaying credentials on your web pages. If Google is unable to tell if you’re an expert, you won’t rank.

2. Search Quality Rater Guidelines. Media Relations Agency knows about the E-E-A-T change because we studied Google’s 176-page Search Quality Rater Guidelines. This document explains concepts that Google considers valuable when deciding if a page should rank highly. If you’re interested in your site’s SEO, I strongly recommend at least taking a glance at these guidelines. 

3. Google’s Helpful Content System: Google’s Helpful Content System is designed to reward web pages created for people rather than for search engines. It aims to elevate content that adds unique value to the web, above and beyond what’s readily available from other websites. Now more than ever, your keyword research needs to understand the user intent. See what types of pages are ranking, how they are structured, and find a way to create content that is better than what’s existing.

4. AI usage: This has exploded in the last year, and everyone is wondering about its effects on SEO. When I attended the 2023 Search Marketing Expo (the leading conference for Search Marketing experts), AI usage was the hot topic with very mixed opinions.

Traditionally, Google penalized sites for AI content, largely because that content was very low quality and extremely easy to spot. However, Google recently informed developers that it doesn’t necessarily care if content is AI generated so long as it fits the E-E-A-T framework, is helpful and isn’t spammy. 

For most topics, AI won’t produce any content that provides valuable insight beyond what’s readily available from other websites. It just writes faster. You still need a human, such as our content marketing experts, to edit your content to ensure it matches your brand voice, is high quality and adds valuable information.

5. Endless scrolling. SEO performance metrics rely heavily on the expected click-through rate for each Google Ranking. The #1 ranking gets 27% of clicks, #2 gets 16%, and so on. This anticipated click-through rate has remained the same for the past decade. Now, the lines are blurred. Google has removed its paginated results in favor of a continuous scrolling feature. This provides more visibility to sites that weren’t high on the first  page. It will likely impact the click-through rates for each ranking spot. We are actively monitoring how this affects our clients’ results. 

Media Relations Agency has a head start on what’s expected to change in 2024 

Helping our clients rise to fame is at the heart of everything we do. That means staying ahead of the trends that are essential for a product or service to rank high in search results. 

With our SEO services, you can rank local or global and see an increase in organic leads. We blend our technical expertise with our marketing knowledge to keep your website in front of the right eyes. We can also keep tabs on your competitors. 

When you’re ready to gain more visibility, call us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to get a proposal. We will send you a copy of our award-winning, best-selling book, “The CEO’s Guide to Marketing,” after your first consultation with us.

Written by Brady Balhorn

Written by Brady Balhorn

Brady is responsible for a lot of the behind-the-scenes digital research and strategy execution. He is also excellent at digital advertising. Having created countless YouTube videos, blog posts, and websites ever since he was in middle school, Brady has spent most of his life trying to get his content rank high in search engines. A web-savvy and detail-oriented person, you can count on Brady to create and optimize content that will get your site found.


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