
Get more value from holiday media coverage for your business

by | Nov 14, 2019 | Advice & Tips, MarketSmart Newsletters

Media coverage creates awareness of your business and products. Having third parties say nice things about you in the media also increases your credibility. This time of year, consumers are more willing to part with their money. So, when you have the chance to get media coverage for your business, in most cases you should grab it. But even the best holiday media coverage may not move the sales needle if you don’t do your homework ahead of time. Here is advice that Media Relations Agency shares with our clients about using media coverage for product promotions.

1. Be clear about who your audience is, what you want them to remember most about your business or product, and what actions you want them to take. Skipping this groundwork can result in costly mistakes. For example, say you’re promoting a new car model. In a morning TV show interview, you focus on the car’s performance elements, but most of that show’s audience cares more about safety features which you didn’t discuss. That’s a missed opportunity, and fewer new cars with big red bows in driveways on Christmas morning.
We recommend following a six-step process called Strategically Aimed Marketing (SAM 6®). This process, detailed in the book “The CEO’s Guide to Marketing”, helps ensure that each marketing element will be on point and support your stated goals. You’ll learn how to map what you want to say to your primary target audiences, the types of media coverage you want to secure and how you want to support that media coverage you’re your other promotional elements.

2. Make sure your website clearly communicates your messaging, and is consistent with what is said during media interviews. Online holiday shopping is in full swing. Prospective buyers may be confused if what they find on your website is inconsistent with what they read about your product in a media story. They may even feel deceived. Your website should be up to date with complete information that supports your media coverage activities.  

3. Be ready to capture and repurpose your media coverage. Most buyers (and other reporters) are impressed by a growing volume of positive media coverage. Post each story to an “In the News” page on your website. Share the stories on your blog, in your social media and in your newsletters. Maybe include a holiday discount code when they click on the link to see the media story. You’ll also be extending the reach and longevity of each story, and give people more reasons to buy.  

It’s not enough to have a well-designed product that delivers on promise. Nor is it enough to create a big introductory splash then expect sales to keep rolling in. Strategically Aimed Marketing evolves with your product as it transitions along the product lifecycle.  We’re the experts at making that happen during the holidays and throughout the year. 

Let’s talk about how we use Strategically Aimed Marketing strategies to help you make the most out of holiday media coverage for your business. Call us at 952-697-5269 or complete our contact form

Written by Media Relations

Written by Media Relations

Media Relations Agency is a full-service, hybrid agency that specializes in helping businesses tell their stories. Our 30+ years of experience in generating media-grade content gives us an edge. Who better to help you market your product than the agency whose work consistently passes the media’s stringent litmus test? It’s not always easy, but our content vaults over the media’s high bar several times a day.


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