
The trouble with a small agency is …

by | Dec 14, 2021 | Advice & Tips

Business Person with 3 choices deciding whether a Small agency is right for them

When you look for an agency to help you with your marketing you should consider the size of the agency.  Will a big, mid-sized or small agency be the best fit?

Let’s start with the small agency. There are a couple things that should worry you about hiring a small agency.

Universities churn out marketing diplomas faster than rabbits have babies. According to Business Degree Central, during the 2018-2019 academic year, 44,258 students earned their bachelor’s degree in marketing. This makes it the 4th most popular bachelor’s degree program in the country. Many of these newly minted marketing experts hang out their shingles with a professional sounding name, a professional looking website and little-to-no real world experience. 

A lack of experience wasn’t a problem when I started my agency in the 80s. Marketing was simple. Anyone could do it. It was basically running ads and sending out mailings. It took some work and keycode tracking but it wasn’t complicated. Not like today. 

The problem now is that marketing is sophisticated and requires a wide variety of specialized talent. It’s expensive and time consuming to pull all of these people together into one agency. That explains why there are so many two- and three-person agencies. It’s easy for a small agency to be good at one thing, but hard for them to be good at all the skills that are needed.They are skilled in one area and unskilled in nine others. 

And I know I harp on this all the time but you can bet the farm that most small agencies don’t even know basic marketing concepts. Read my bestselling book, “The CEO’s Guide to Marketing and then ask a small agency a few questions. You’ll see what I mean. 

You can also hire an agency that’s too large. Many big name agencies focus on only a handful of blue chip clients. Unless you are an eight hundred pound gorilla, you aren’t going to have their full attention. 

My belief is that the vast majority of companies will be served best by hiring a mid-sized agency like ours: agencies with 20 to 50 employees.   

The magic in marketing today is knitting everything together. I listen in on production meetings and I’m always amazed at the complexity and coordination of our writers, graphic designers, video experts, web designers, digital ad creators, Amazon experts, strategists and project managers. It’s like a symphony. As the agency’s owner, listening to everyone collaborate is music to my ears. 

Mid-sized agencies don’t actually cost more to hire than small ones. And a mid-sized agency will do things right the first time, and implement strategies that have been proven to work. Their graphics department will create designs that look better. Their writing department will create content that moves an audience to action and makes your product famous faster.

Media Relations Agency has been in business for 35 years. We have helped thousands of companies gain national attention and increase sales. We get to know you, your products and your audience in order to create a personalized marketing strategy that produces results. 

Heather Champine can get you started today and walk you through our process. She can tell you about clients we have helped over the years and how their success may parallel yours. She has a wealth of advice and tips you can tap into. Unfortunately, the way inflation is going, we will have to raise our prices in 2022. If you call now and decide to use us, you may be able to lock in now at lower rates. You can call Heather directly at 952-697-5269 or by completing this form.

Written by Lonny Kocina

Written by Lonny Kocina

Lonny Kocina is the CEO and Founder of Media Relations Agency which has been in business for nearly 35 years. During that time, Kocina also founded and sold two other businesses: Mid America Events and Expos, and Checkerboard Internet Services. Prior to that, Lonny worked as a marketing director for Investment Rarities Inc., a company with sales over 4 billion dollars. Kocina has also been a long time member of Vistage International which is a CEO peer mentoring organization. He was also a volunteer marketing mentor for Junior Achievement and the Carlson School of Business. For fun he has taught Principles of Marketing at the college level, and his recent book, the “CEO’s Guide to Marketing” is an Axiom Business Book silver medal winner as well as an Amazon bestseller. Lonny likes to kid that his third grade teacher may have summed him up best with a note sent home on his report card. “Lonny is a daydreamer and he’s getting worse each day. He complains of a stomach ache a lot and I don’t think he likes school much either.”


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