
Five influencer marketing trends

by | Oct 24, 2023 | Influencer Marketing, Services

Professional influencer creating content

Do you want your product to become famous? Influencer marketing can build awareness, pique interest, nurture trust and ultimately generate new leads. It’s also cost efficient. Before you jump over to to inquire about our turnkey influencer marketing programs, here are five trends to watch. 

Media Relations’ goal with our influencer marketing programs is to identify influencers whose communities closely mirror your target audience. Then, we provide them with the materials to post high-value content such as demonstrations, authentic testimonials and clear calls to action. 

We get results. For one of our 2023 influencer marketing campaigns, we increased the active reach from just under 925,000 to more than 1.1 million. Total engagements increased by almost 64 percent. 

Five influencer marketing trends to watch 

  1. Influencers are becoming more professional. Gone is the amateur quality that was common among influencers a few years ago. Today, you’ll see much more polished messaging. Media Relations Agency will work with influencers to help them accurately  communicate your product’s key value points, in their own words. 
  2. Influencers are more open to creating a relationship with brands they believe in.  Great things can happen when influencers become some of your biggest fans. Once they start to champion your product, they can really move your sales needle. It’s important to manage these long-term relationships.  
  3. Influencer content is even more engaging. Top influencers have loyal communities because their content is authentic and relatable. People are more likely to feel a strong connection with your product after an influencer talks about it.  
  4. Your product may be mentioned on multiple platforms. Cross-channel marketing is becoming more common. Many top influencers now have a presence on several platforms, not just Instagram and YouTube. They may choose the platform(s) most likely to be effective when marketing your product. 
  5. Influencers are more open to affiliate marketing and coupon codes. While payment based on audience size remains common, there is rising use of revenue-sharing compensation methods including affiliate links and coupon codes. Media Relations Agency can create mechanisms to track sales to specific influencers.

We simplify influencer marketing campaigns 

We know what works. Working within your budget, Media Relations Agency can develop the needed materials, handle the influencer recruiting, and manage the relationships between you and your influencer database. We’ll provide you with timely reports on the progress of your campaign. 

Let’s get more people talking about your product 

Name recognition is critical to achieving product fame. Influencers can reach the niches of social media platforms that are filled with potential customers. Get started on your influencer marketing campaign by calling us at 952-697-5269 or use this form to get a proposal.

Written by Jason Kocina

Written by Jason Kocina

Jason is our chief digital marketing strategist. Clients love him because he’s amazing at explaining complex ideas and concepts to non-technical people. In fact, Jason has been teaching businesses how to turn their websites into profit centers since 1995. He feels most invigorated when he’s helping clients use digital media to distinguish themselves from the competition. Jason is one of those rare people who can effortlessly interpret how digital changes are likely to benefit or hinder a marketing program. Using his extensive experience in design and web development, he can quickly review any scenario and determine how best to help a client.


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If you want your product to become famous.

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