
Our specialist can help you with the latest digital advertising tools

by | Aug 11, 2015 | Resources

digital advertising

Effective digital advertising requires constant learning and up-to-the-minute knowledge. Web Property Manager Andrea Schiebe monitors emerging advertising trends so she can help clients take advantage of them. She’s a well-qualified resource for using the newest digital advertising tools such as video, mobile and social media advertising. Here’s why “ask Andrea” is a commonly heard phrase around our office.

Andrea is certified in Google Analytics, Google AdWords and Advanced Video Advertising. She also has earned a Graphic Design Professional Certificate. This training benefits our clients in the following ways:

  • Google Analytics: Andrea uses this tool to see which digital advertising strategies are attracting the most web traffic and contributing to the most leads. She uses this information to  recommend the most effective advertising platforms for each client.
  • Google AdWords: With this platform, Andrea delivers our clients’ advertising to consumers who search the Internet for specific keywords or visit sites related to clients’ products. She makes smart keyword choices, writes attention-getting ad copy and selects powerful images. As she manages ad campaigns, she maximizes return on ad spend.
  • Video Advertising: By preparing for Google’s Video Advertising exam, Andrea gained additional skills in designing and tracking online video advertising for our clients. She helps clients attract more attention to their products by tapping into this growing trend.
  • Graphic Design: Andrea’s graphic design background enables her to work with our design team to create professional, appealing ads for our clients.

Our clients can dedicate more time to other aspects of their business when they’ve trusted their digital advertising to Andrea. She efficiently creates and manages in-the-moment digital advertising campaigns and social media marketing. Clients count on her to understand the latest developments and use them to attract more attention to their products.

Andrea or another of our web property managers can assist you with your digital advertising. Call us at 952-697-5269 or complete our contact form. Andrea will ask you about your needs and schedule a meeting to discuss the latest digital advertising tools.

Written by Jason Kocina

Written by Jason Kocina

Jason is our chief digital marketing strategist. Clients love him because he’s amazing at explaining complex ideas and concepts to non-technical people. In fact, Jason has been teaching businesses how to turn their websites into profit centers since 1995. He feels most invigorated when he’s helping clients use digital media to distinguish themselves from the competition. Jason is one of those rare people who can effortlessly interpret how digital changes are likely to benefit or hinder a marketing program. Using his extensive experience in design and web development, he can quickly review any scenario and determine how best to help a client.


What We Do

  • Publicity

  • Website

  • Advertising

  • Social Media

  • Creative

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