
Here’s what a product review bull’s-eye looks like

by | Mar 6, 2015 | Placement Examples

product review

When you’re spreading the word about a new product, you need a powerful voice to tell your story. This product review fires off some perfect marketing for our client’s product, ScopeAid. It focuses national attention on all of the product’s features and benefits. It even gives instructions for how to order the product. To help our client reach this site’s 100,000 readers, I first had to interest Founder and CEO Kevin Paulson. So I arranged for him to try the product for himself. He immediately appreciated how it helped him see the crosshairs on his rifle scope.

This product is so new that it was relatively unknown to the market. So, it was critical to grab the audience’s attention, educate consumers and build awareness. To do so requires a marketing channel that allows enough space to explain the product’s real benefits. A product review was the perfect platform for this.

In his detailed review, Paulson explains how this product helped him overcome blurriness caused by aging vision. That’s precisely why ScopeAid was developed. When Paulson started using this product, the crosshairs came into focus again. Paulson also described the efficient ordering process; this thrilled me because a company with which we work closely, Checkerboard, designed this client’s website. He stated that he, “plans to use this tool for years to come,” and added that should his vision change he plans to buy another one.

This type of compelling media coverage is exactly why this client asked us to help launch this product. Publicity such as this product review not only becomes the talk of the market, it becomes the talk of the client’s office, as well; our clients get some serious bragging rights about how they used media coverage to generate interest in their product.

Get in touch with us. Let’s talk about your product. We can set our sights on prize publicity for you, too.


Written by Gail Brandt

Written by Gail Brandt

Senior Publicist Gail Brandt sinks her teeth into a project and makes things happen. She impresses everyone with her out-of-the-box thinking and her ability to devise new ways to excite the media about a story.  She has repeatedly earned company honors for the quantity and caliber of her media placements, and has booked clients in such prestigious media outlets as Woman’s World, Shape, Good Morning America and on TV stations across America.


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