
Two reasons to try digital advertising

by | May 2, 2022 | Advice & Tips, Digital Marketing

Computer screen showing different reasons to try digital advertising

The U.S. was reported to be the world’s fastest growing digital advertising market in 2021. I’m not surprised by this because we’ve witnessed this uptick in demand at Media Relations Agency. Digital advertising has become an invaluable marketing tool. But is it something you should try? 

There are two very compelling reasons to consider allocating part of your promotional budget to digital ads. 

Reason #1: You want higher sales

Isn’t this why you’re in business in the first place? Digital advertising can elevate your visibility, generate leads and boost sales. Media Relations Agency runs many different types of digital advertising campaigns, including social media, search, email and sponsored content. All are measured against the same goal of helping increase our clients’ bottom line.  

Reason #2: You want to spend your marketing dollars wisely

Digital advertising helps control costs. It would be expensive (and impractical) to send a salesperson to every door. It would be as costly to run an ad in every newspaper and magazine, and on every TV network. Even if it were possible, not everyone who sees your ad would be interested in your product.

Digital advertising lets you target your most receptive audience. Catering to young moms? Check. Luxury car buyers? Check? Healthcare workers? Check.

Digital advertising also amplifies the reach and effectiveness of your other promotions. Did you earn amazing coverage in your local paper? Amplify that rockstar publicity via a digital ad campaign.

Media Relations’ clients also favor digital advertising for its measurability and transparency. There are clear metrics such as impressions, clicks, comments and conversions. Our reports make it easy to see how well a campaign is performing which helps you further control costs. You can also optimize campaigns as you go, tweaking the audience and content to deliver the best possible result.

If digital advertising is on your mind, give us a call at 952-697-5269 or complete this form today. Media Relations Agency’s certified Strategically Aimed Marketing professionals can help you determine which types of digital advertising are right for you.


For more great marketing advice, check out The CEO’s Guide to Marketing!

Written by Kris Best

Written by Kris Best

Kris Best is not your typical writer. She’s a strategic thinker with significant experience with health, technology and non-profit organizations. “I give a lot of thought to how the content I create is going to be used, as well as reused.” She’s also enamored with the power of social media, and is always looking for ways our clients can capitalize on this important promotional channel.


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