
How to extend the life and value of your media coverage

by | Sep 28, 2017 | MarketSmart Newsletters

The professional publicists at Media Relations Agency are known for arranging national, regional and local publicity for our clients. These days, publicity is only part of the most successful integrated marketing campaigns. We highly recommend extending the life and value of your media coverage by funneling it into your digital marketing. It’s timely, targeted and cost effective. And it can keep your product in front of a lot more customers.

When trusted third parties, such as the media or other influencers, are saying favorable things about your product, it’s becoming more natural for businesses to share that good news with followers through digital marketing. Let’s say we arrange to have your product featured on a national morning TV show. Why not use that video clip to get your customers’ attention by turning it into easily shareable content? And upload it to your YouTube channel so that you can link to it in the future. Media Relations’ digital marketing experts make it easy to repurpose your publicity.

  • Wrappers. We can prepare a blog about the media coverage for your website that will pique readers’  interest, and motivate them to watch, read or listen to your story. Our writers always include a call to action, whether that’s to purchase the product, attend a seminar, sign up for your newsletter or find more information.
  • Online ad campaigns. A great TV clip or magazine article can be used by our ad experts to create a  targeted online ad campaign. By promoting the story, we draw attention to your product and share what the media is saying about it. Online advertising campaigns can funnel your customers to your website, ultimately leading them to your sales page.
  • Social media. You can also use that publicity in social media posts. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or LinkedIn, we can write short, pithy posts that will draw readers into reading your article, or viewing or listening to your clip.
  • Emails and newsletters. You’re probably gathering followers’ contact info on your website. Why not promote your media coverage to the people who have expressed interest in your product? We can write an email or newsletter and embed your media coverage into the content, to be shared with your database.

There’s plenty of room to maximize the power of your publicity through digital media. It can capture audiences who may have missed the media coverage when it first came out.

Call us today at 952-697-5269 or fill out this simple form to find out how we can help you use digital marketing to extend the life and value of your media coverage.

Written by Kris Best

Written by Kris Best

Kris Best is not your typical writer. She’s a strategic thinker with significant experience with health, technology and non-profit organizations. “I give a lot of thought to how the content I create is going to be used, as well as reused.” She’s also enamored with the power of social media, and is always looking for ways our clients can capitalize on this important promotional channel.


What We Do

  • Publicity

  • Website

  • Advertising

  • Social Media

  • Creative

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